We live in busy times and so often we need breaks that we feel we can’t take. Our bodies are tired, our brain is worn out, we don’t have time to listen to our hearts and our souls have given up until we can take the time to connect with it again. And that’s just the inside stuff. Outwardly, our intimate relationships suffer, our house becomes messy and we haven’t seen friends in months. We are simply going through the motions, the routine, of surviving.
If any of this resonates with you, then this is for you. You, the one that is holding on to the hope that you can take a break in 3 months when things look like they can slow down. You, the one that moves so fast you forgot that you are important and you are allowed to take time to take care of yourself. You, the one I care for and love.
It is time to make a Self Care Plan.
- List 10-15 activities that you love to do or help calm you down. This could be going for a walk, taking a bath, reading a book, talking to a friend, going out for supper, watching a fun movie with your kids, meditating, getting a massage, having sex, making a craft, colouring or painting. That’s 12 right there! Possibilities are endless and it’s fun to think of them.
- Beside each item, write the time it would take to do that activity and the cost of that activity. Remember that some activities can be as long or as short as you need them to be and some activities costs are more than just the price tag. ie. if you need a mental and physical break from your kids, don’t watch a movie with them or if you need to put in a lot of effort to get ready to have sex, don’t do it! This is for you to relax and take care of you.
- Look at your schedule and your Self Care List, put in the items that will fit your budget and the time you have available to do a Self Care Activity. This is the most important step!! Do not skip this step!! You have to (and I don’t boss people around lightly) schedule this in. Please do not book anything on top of this thinking it is not that important or you can do it any time because when you do that, you will end up not having any Self Care time. You can do this, if it’s 20 minutes or 2 hours, block it off. That block of time is no one else’s but yours.
- When you get into that Self Care Activity and you are actually doing it, take a moment to breathe, consciously relax and recognize this is a break for you. Commend yourself on taking the time for you. Release the worries you may have for anything afterward by writing it all done before you start your Self Care Activity. This way you know you will not forget anything when you are done and you will be fully immersed in the calm and peace of the moment. Enjoy it all. You are worth it and you are completely deserving of this break for you.
You are invited to do a small thing every day but let’s be honest, life happens, so aim for at least once a week and a larger amount of time once a month. This could be baths and movies during the week and then once a month, go for a hike or get a massage. Mix it up, make it work and you will feel the effects in all areas of your life.
I would love to hear about your Self Care Plans, you can comment below or share them with me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #MySelfCarePlan. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for yourself.
Lot’s of Love,
❤️ Love, darling. I hope you are also following your advice!
My daily baths are amazing but so often interrupted by little ones. So once a week I make sure dad takes them and I have a good long soak. Self care is so hard to schedule in! But so necessary. Great post!
OMG I LOVE THIS CHARRISSA. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful step much needed in my life.
Selling the work and living a simple life.