Wow, what a ride it has been to create Awesome You. Awesome You started as a dream and a desire to work with women and girls to build self love and empowerment. There were, however, many times I wanted to quit. I would look at other women who were just working their regular jobs, hanging out with their family and friends and they seemed to have it all together. And I did not!
I couldn’t explain why but I had this driving energy from within that just kept guiding me on my life’s purpose. It showed me my passions, what I wanted to learn and the avenues to learn it. I couldn’t stop. I tried. But this energy just kept pushing and guiding me, reminding me that if I quit now, what would I feel when I looked back. You and I both know what that feeling would have been. So I kept going.
I know so many women who have gone through school, post secondary education, got married, built a career, had children and then feel as if they aren’t living their life to their fullest. They feel drained and passionless. Unable to speak their truth or unable to know what their passion really is.
And it is that they are not connected to that energy within that will drive them to their passions, show them the road and guide them to live the passionate and purposeful life we all crave. Connecting with our Self, listening to our gut and our heart, and following that path, that journey, even if it seems absolutely ridiculous, allows us to awaken our purpose and our passion.
And it will not make sense and you will make mistakes and say “WTF am I doing?”. But I also know that you will get back up, you will make amazing choices and experiences and you will look back and say “Oh! I understand now why and I see the lessons I learned from that” and you will do amazing things.
I grew to know and love that energy within, even though sometimes it drove me crazy!! But I am so grateful for it, for it has led me here to Awesome You and it has led me here to you. So if you are feeling unsure but know you want something more, just take that first step allow the beautiful energy within to guide and drive you. It will take many twists and turns but take you exactly where you want to go.
Great Start to a Awesome Journey.